Not much progress, I've taken my time to condense the story and set up the character information for each character. I've finally had the story flow for multiple ending. It feels like a lot but at the same time It worked out! I've recently added a new secret character for the true ending who is based off the flower "Princess of the night" mainly because I wanted that theme in the story! 

Initially it was going to be the protagonist's romantic interest and called "prince of the night" who was either going to be Lotus, who's a frog monster or a shadow knight romantic interest. But the aspect of adding romantic interests didn't work for my vision for the novel. I will still add the characters in as party-goers but not as romantic interests. 

I'm still forging my team and everything is going smoothly. Right now, if I'm being honest. I don't know how this is all going to work out. But I want this to work, so I'll find out how to make it work!!! 

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